Volleyball Winnipeg is a community-based, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization that was made possible by bringing the talents of a number of Winnipeg-area volleyball enthusiasts together in an effort to provide the community with a premier volleyball organization focused on increasing access to the sport.
Volleyball Winnipeg believes that participation in sport plays an integral part in the physical, social and emotional development of children. It envisions a future in which people of every age can enjoy the benefits of participation in Volleyball year-round.
No other organization in Manitoba offers a greater variety of programs. As the organization looks to grow, it will focus on establishing partnerships with local schools, community clubs and other organizations that can allow the growth of long-term athlete development within the sport.
Volleyball Winnipeg's mandate is to increase participation in the sport by providing the community with more opportunities to enjoy the game.
Volleyball Winnipeg is partnering with two local community centres to create six new grass volleyball courts to be available for the upcoming 2021 summer season. The project will create six new grass-volleyball courts with three in the Western part of the city while another three in the North East area of the city.
Grass volleyball is popular in many areas of Canada and around the world. It is an affordable way in which to develop new facilities and introduce athletes to the sport as an affordable summer activity. These new courts will be available for youth and adult programs and a number of fundraising programs will be undertaken to launch this new initiative.
The scope of equipment required:
• Net World Sports Ltd. - sets of nets/poles (6): $638.97 each $3,833.82
• Mikasa Beach Champ Volleyballs (30): $97.50 each $2,925.00
• Locker Shed Suncast Vertical Shed (2): $499.00 $ 998.00
• Security modifications to inventory shed (2): $150.00 each $ 300.00
TOTAL GOAL: $8056.82
RAISED TO DATE: $ 850.00
TARGETED END DATE: January 31, 2021
Want to Help?
Contact Ally at hello@volleyballwinnipeg.ca
Fundraising Effort To Date
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The Registration "Support Us" is not currently available.
If you would like to become a sponsor, a donor or learn more please email: hello@volleyballwinnipeg.ca
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