3 At-home Volleyball Drills to Keep Your Team in Shape

Few realize how many ways there are for teams to prepare for their next match. Some of these even involve preparation from home. There are simple drills which anyone can do with or without a partner. These drills will not only improve performance, but also help with stamina, endurance, and one’s overall health.

- 3 At-home Volleyball Drills to Keep Your Team in Shape -

There are many ways to improve in volleyball. Outlined here are just 3 of the simplest drills which you can do at home. To get started, remember to wear comfortable clothing and athletic shoes that provide support when jumping for anaerobic exercise. Also, find a wall with access to enough open space if you are alone.

Warmup Exercises

Before any workout, it is important to warm-up and prepare the body for the upcoming workout. Warmup exercises are important to help loosen the muscles and improve blood flow.

Running, stretching, and performing repetitive exercises, such as crunches and jumping jacks, before proceeding to the drills will also help avoid discomfort and the risk of injury.

Drill #1: Practice Setting

While it is preferable to practice setting with a partner, a wall is adequate if you are alone. Good sets are essential to any team’s overall kill efficiency.

Dos and Don'ts of Setting Drills

  • Practice setting by standing a couple of steps away from the wall. Maintaining this distance helps improve focus as you toss the ball up into the air.
  • Make sure you understand the essential elements as repeating an exercise incorrectly may result in bad habits that will be difficult to correct later.
  • Set from your hairline, keep your head down with your eys up; thumbs pointing inwards with your elbows at 45 degrees.
  • Don't begin with high sets; Instead, start with low, quick sets to condition the hands. After several repetitions, challenge yourself by increasing the height of your sets. If possible, don’t forget to identify a target area on the wall.

Drill #2: Learn to Receive and Return Passes

Passing is another skill that you can practice at home. Passing drills focus on improving your ability to catch and return passes accordingly. See proper passing footwork for complete details.

Dos and Don'ts of Passing Drills

  • Again, a wall is a good substitute if a partner is not around. Unlike setting drills though, you should move several steps away from the wall to practice passing.
  • Lower your body and extend both arms as if preparing to receive a pass.
  • Toss the ball towards the wall and be ready for the rebound. Catch and return the pass back to the wall.
  • Continue exchanging passes with the wall until your body adjusts to the drill well.

Drill #3: Work on Hitting and Spiking

Arm Swing and hitting drills help improve the arm movements as much as the footwork. You have to master the footwork as hitting the ball requires timing and coordination. From the moment you prepare to jump and swing an arm, to when you land with both feet, only repetition will ensure you master this unique skill.

Dos and Don’ts of Spiking Drills

  • Both arms should attempt to swing forward as they gather enough power for a spike. However, as the non-hitting arm continues to swing forward for power and balance, the hitting arm changes its direction in preparation for an overhead hit.
  • Prior to an overhead hit, the shoulder on the side of the hitting arm has to partly pull backward to allow for a powerful spike.
  • As with setting and passing, try to identify a target as doing so will improve your ability to direct the ball to the direction you intend.
  • Repeat your spiking exercises until your body gets used to the movement and coordination of the upper and lower body parts. 

Cool Down Exercises

Depending on the intensity of your workout, coming to a sudden stop after performing some volleyball drills might result in some dizzyness. You can avoid this risk by ensuring your blood pressure and heart rate don’t drop suddenly by performing some cool down exercises. Aside from gentle stretches, you can easily reduce the intensity of your movements before coming to a complete stop.


As you can see, some volleyball drills can be done at home, and yes, performing some will help you and your team stay in shape and ready for competition. Spiking, setting, and passing drills, along with warmup and cool down exercises, will not only help your general performance, but will also have a positive impact on your stamina, endurance, and overall health.


Tim Frechette
Founder / Editor Athletic Lift