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WMVA Adult Co-Ed League

Our Adult Co-Ed Volleyball League

More than a league - we are a community - of volleyball enthusiasts.

Adult Co-Ed Volleyball Tournament


Volleyball Winnipeg

is hosting an

Adult Co-Ed Volleyball Tournament

on February 9!

We encourage you to register soon!

Here is the flyer ...

Our 2025 Winter Season is Underway!

Our Winter 2025 regular season kicked off on Sunday, January 12. Registration is closed - but Spring 2025 Registration for Adult Co-Ed League and Men's League is NOW OPEN!!! Please see below.

If you are wanting to contact the Adult Co-Ed League Convenor, Kev Wood,  you can use the email option farther down this page by the  'A Message from Your Convenor' section.


You can use the links here to register for each of Volleyball Winnipeg's 2025 Spring Adult Co-Ed and Men's Leagues. Please be careful to choose the relevant link: teams - please use the Team Registration link; individuals - please use the Individual Team Registration link.

2025 Spring Adult Leagues TEAM Registration

TEAMS should use this link to register.

2025 Spring Adult Leagues INDIVIDUALS Registration

INDIVIDUALS should use this link to register.

Summer 2025 Adult Leagues

Registration is not yet open for our 2025 Summer Adult Co-Adult and Men's Leagues.  It should be open around mid-April, or sooner.

Standings and Season Schedule - Winter 2025

Immediately below are the Tier Team List and Season Schedule for Winter 2025. See you on the court!

Rules - Winter 2025

Links for Reporting of Weekly Rosters, Scores and More

Part 1 of 2: Link for Reporting Weekly Game Rosters and Questions/Comments/Concerns (and so forth)

Please use this link within 24 hours of each Sunday's Adult Co-Ed League games - including Scrimmage Sunday. Thank you.

Part 2 of 2: Link for Reporting Weekly Game Scores

Please use link this within 24 hours of each Sunday's Adult Co-Ed League games - including Scrimmage Sunday. For the first time, for January 26 games, you may need to 'request access' - and then wait for Kev to reply to grant it. Thank you. (Score submissions by email, text, WhatsApp messages, etc. will not be accepted.)


WMVA Adult league logo

Sub List

2025 Spring Schedule - Sunday Co-ed League

The Volleyball Winnipeg Adult Co-ed League facilitates helping individual registrants to find a team that is a good fit for them. The League Convenor also helps in the forming of teams from individual registrations before, on and following Scrimmage Day.

VENUES (in Winnipeg): To be determined

DATES: Scrimmage Day = Sunday, April 06, 2025 (Teams that register after March 27 should not necessarily expect to participate in the pre-season Scrimmage Day.) Season = April 20 - June 23, 2025. Registration Deadline: End of the day (i.e. midnight) on Monday, April 7.
TIMES: For each team - approximately a 90 minute window some time between approximately 2:30-10pm. Note: During this time frame, game times rotate amongst the beginning, middle and end of this time frame - to be fair to all teams. 
NO GAMES: April 20 (Easter Sunday), May 11 (Mother's Day), May 18 (Victoria Day long weekend). June 15 (Father's Day).

Championship Sunday (playoff tournament): Sunday, June 23, 2025. Note: On this day, there is a chance that game times may start as early as late morning. Championship t-shirts to winning teams.

INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION: $90 + applicable tax

TEAM REGISTRATION: $450 + applicable tax

IMPORTANT: Special events and promotions available through our Weekly Newsletter.  REGISTER FOR OUR NEWSLETTER TODAY!

Team and Tier Assignment: Volleyball Winnipeg reserves the right to assign individuals to teams, and teams to tiers, that are appropriate to their skill level. Individuals and teams are encouraged to keep in mind: 1) There are a variety of factors when players are assigned to teams and teams are assigned to tiers. These include: skill level; history in the League; date and time of registration; 2) Tier numbers are relative. The calibre of play in one tier in one season may change the following season.

Register Now Button

2025 Winter Adult League

Volleyball Winnipeg
Volleyball Terms Explained

Terms All Players Should Know

All registrations are online on a team or individual basis. If you prefer to pay by cheque or e-transfer you will need to e-mail us at and we can provide you with a code to register. 

For a complete overview of our refund policy and directions on how to submit a request, please visit our REFUND POLICY page.
NOTE: If you are an individual and a team cannot be found for you, a full refund will be provided. But it is most likely we will be able to find you a team.

Should you require financial assistance to help pay for any of our programs, please visit our HOW TO REGISTER page for information on local funding opportunities.

About Volleyball Winnipeg's Adult Co-Ed League

First started in 2014, the WMVA Adult Co-ed League is a Sunday afternoon-evening League that runs on a seasonal basis during the Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. Each season ends with a Championship Tournament with the winning team receiving our Championship t-shirts.

The approximate breakdown for the tiers is as follows: Tiers 1-2 = Advanced; Tiers 3-4 = Intermediate; Tiers 5-8 = Recreational. Depending on the number of times that register for any given season - tiers may be added to one or more divisions (i.e. Advance, Intermediate, Recreational). There will be a maximum of 8 teams in any one tier, with the lowest tier being the only one that may have a number other than 8.

The WMVA Adult Co-ed League offers an Scrimmage Day. It will be on Sunday, January 5. This is also an opportunity for individuals to be placed on teams. The venue will be announced. This is an excellent opportunity for teams to have a warm-up opportunity for the season before we officially start league play on Sunday, January 12. If you are an individual who is not registered yet but would like to come watch, you are welcome to do so. If you want to play on Sunday to try things out, please email the League Convenor (Kev Wood) at the email link below (in the 'A Message from Your League Convenor section'), and he will help to facilitate the best time for that to happen - in order to strive to find a good fit for you. Teams, if you are interested in possibly joining the League, please don't just show up on Sunday - but please register online. Kev will be in touch with you.

Volleyball History

Learn More about the History of Volleyball

Volleyball Rules Explained

Everything athletes need to know

Volleyball fails

Funny Volleyball Pictures & Cartoons

A Message from Your League Convenor

Welcome to the Fall 2024 seasons of Volleyball Winnipeg's Adult Leagues. Our leagues are dedicated to providing a positive and inclusive atmosphere where every participant can enjoy the game of volleyball. We value respect, fun and competition. Also, we are committed to continual improvement - seeking to make this fall the best version each League yet.

Convenor's Profile

Kev Wood has 40 years of experience as a volleyball player, coach, instructor, referee and league convenor. He has played volleyball throughout high school, for 4 years at the post-secondary varsity level and in adult leagues. Kev has coached multiple men’s and women’s championship teams at the post-secondary varsity level. He is a Level 2 Coach in Volleyball with the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). Kev has also coached school varsity teams. He has instructed, coached and convened for Volleyball Winnipeg as recently as 2025. Kev has approximately 12 years experience as a volleyball referee. This has included both indoor and beach volleyball. He continues to referee.

Kev currently convenes the Adult Co-Ed League.

Kev approaches everything that he does in the area of volleyball through a lens of safety, respect and excellence: each person involved must be holistically safe; each person needs to show respect to other people; and we must serve and lead with excellence in volleyball.

For a career, Kev serves as a registered clinical social worker in the area of child welfare. He has 3 undergraduate degrees and 1 graduate degree.

Kev Wood

Kev Wood - Convenor - Adult Co-Ed League - Volleyball Winnipeg. NCCP-2 (Volleyball), Referee, BSW, RSW, BFA, BTh, MVPA

Kev Wood

Convenor - Adult Co-Ed League

Winter 2025 Season Details

VENUES: Chief Peguis Jr. High School, Lavallee School, Victor Wyatt School.
DATES: Sunday, January 5 - March 23, 2025

NO REGULAR LEAGUE GAMES ONFeb. 9/25 (Super Bowl Sunday - instead - our [optional, 1st Annual] Super Ball tournament) (optional - and not included in regular League fees), Feb. 16/25 (Louis Riel Day weekend),  
TIMES: Sundays - any time between 2:30pm - 10pm.
NOTE: When venues in both southeast and northeast Winnipeg are used for a tier, teams alternate between the two venues.  For all tiers - to be fair to all teams - game times for any one team alternate between earlier and later times.

PLAYOFFS: Sunday, March 23, 2025
"March Challenge"
Championship t-shirts to winning teams!

INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION: $90 + applicable tax
TEAM REGISTRATION: $450 + applicable tax

IMPORTANT: Special events and promotions available through our Weekly Newsletter.  REGISTER FOR OUR NEWSLETTER TODAY!

Note: Volleyball Winnipeg receives the right to make final assignments of teams to tiers in an effort to achieve fairness and parity in calibre levels.

IMPORTANT: Special events and promotions available through our Weekly Newsletter.  REGISTER FOR OUR NEWSLETTER TODAY!

Funny Volleyball Moments

Funny Volleyball Videos

Program Benefits

LEAGUE OVERVIEW: First started in 2014, the Adult Co-ed League is a program offered by Volleyball Winnipeg (WMVA). It offers league play on a seasonal basis during the fall, winter, and spring (indoors) and the summer (indoor or outdoors).

  • To bring volleyball athletes together in safe, respectful, positive, challenging and rewarding  community environments.
  • To provide a League Convenor that is knowledgeable about, and experienced in, the game of volleyball and communicates well with team captains and players.

DROP-IN GYMS: The Volleyball Winnipeg (WMVA) Adult Co-ed League is the only adult league in Winnipeg to offer FREE weekly drop-in gyms for its players. These are provided to offer members an opportunity to meet others, exercise through play and develop their skill.

ADULT SUB LIST: The adult leagues provides a sub list of athletes who are available to fill in should a teammate not be available. Teams are responsible to find their own subs. 
See our SUB LIST PAGE for an updated list of registered subs.

Please remember that all league participants expect to play weekly and it is your responsibility to ensure that your team shows up with the required minimum of six players ready to compete.

The Championship tournament will be hosted on the final weekend of the season and Volleyball Winnipeg reserves the right to host the event over the weekend and may include any day from Friday-Sunday - rather than only on the typical Sunday. 

Out of town residents’ welcome! We have many participating athletes who reside outside the Winnipeg-area. Our program is not limited to Winnipeg residents. 

Congratulations to the Fall 2024 Tier Champions!

We had a great Fall 2024 season! Thanks, everybody! Here are the results from Fall 2024's Championship Sunday on December 8 (photos immediately below, and - a few results still to come in):

Tier 1:
1.⁠ ⁠UA
2.⁠ ⁠⁠Easy Ball
3.⁠ ⁠⁠Victorious Secret

Tier 2
1. Opa Chinasses 
2. Xenas warriors 
3. Deez Nets

Tier 3:
1. Stranger Swings
2. Dirty Dumps
3. Chewblocka

Tier 4:
1.⁠ ⁠One Hit Wonder
2.⁠ ⁠⁠Too Much Bicep
3.⁠ ⁠⁠The Oxford Study

Tier 5:
1. Cody's Pals
2. Skoden

Tier 6
1.⁠ ⁠Big Dig Lovers
2.⁠ ⁠Pass and Hitties
3.⁠ ⁠⁠Kiss My Ace

Tier 7:
1.⁠ ⁠Safe Sets
2.⁠ ⁠⁠Block Party
3.⁠ ⁠⁠That’s What She Set

Tier 8:
1.⁠ ⁠Lucky 7
2.⁠ ⁠⁠The Bouncers
3.⁠ ⁠⁠Volley Ho’s and Bro’s

Tier 1 Champions - UA

Tier 3 Champions - Stranger Swings

Tier 4 Champions - One Hit Wonder

Tier 6 Champions - Big Dig Lovers

Team 5 Champions - Cody's Pals

Tier 7 Champions - Safe Sets

Tier 8 Champions - Lucky 7

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WMVA Adult league logo
Ka-Pow 2024 Co-Ed Summer League Champions

2024 Summer Adult League Champions

CONGRATULATIONS to Our 2024 Summer Champions:

* CO-ED CHAMPIONS: Ka-Pow (left)

* MEN'S CHAMPIONS: Block Party (right)

Well done!

2024 Summer Mens League Champions Block Party

Coach Resources

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Athlete Resources


2025 Summer Schedule


The Summer Leagues will not include an open house. Teams will be re-tiered after three weeks to ensure the calibre of teams is consistent within the tiers. 

We will be offering the following:



DATES: Saturdays. Dates to be determined.
TIMES: 6:00pm-10:00pm 
NOTE: This is an Open Tier. Should we get more than 8 teams registered we will split the league into two tiers.
TOURNAMENT: Held on a Saturday around the third week of August.
"Summer Challenge"
Championship t-shirts to winning team

DATES: Sunday. Dates to be determined.
TIMES: 6:00pm-10:00pm 
NOTE: This is an Open Tier. Should we get more than 8 teams registered we will split the league into two tiers.
TOURNAMENT: Held on a Sunday around the third week of August.
"Summer Challenge"
Championship t-shirts to winning team

GAME VENUE: To be determined

INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION: $90 + applicable tax

TEAM REGISTRATION: $450 + applicable tax

IMPORTANT: Special events and promotions available through our Weekly Newsletter.  REGISTER FOR OUR NEWSLETTER TODAY!